9 Frequently Asked Questions About Activated Carbon

How is an activated carbon filter structured? How does the mechanism work, and does it affect health when using ... is one of the issues that users are interested in when learning about carbon filters active. Here are 9 questions related to activated carbon that you should definitely not ignore before deciding whether to trust products using this filter or not?

1. What is an Activated Carbon Filter?

The activated carbon filter is a layer of activated carbon in the form of granules or powder consisting of millions of tiny adsorption holes. This filter is treated to be extremely porous and often used to remove toxic gases, chemicals, and volatile organic compounds.

2. What Types of Activated Charcoal Are There?

Currently in the world activated carbon is commonly used in 4 forms:

– Dạng hạt than hoạt tính vô định hình

– Dạng than hoạt tính viên trụ

– Dạng than hoạt tính bột

– Dạng vải than hoạt tính.

3. How Does the Activated Carbon Filter Work?

Activated carbon filters remove pollutants from the air through a process of adsorption, not absorption. The basic difference between these two processes is that in the process of adsorption the pollutants adhere to the outside of the activated carbon. With absorption, pollutants are absorbed within the structure itself.

4. Is Activated Carbon Filter Safe?

Bộ lọc than hoạt tính hoàn toàn không gây ảnh hưởng đến sức khỏe của người dùng. Hiện nay than hoạt tính được ứng dụng rộng rãi trong nhiều lĩnh vực đời sống do đó bạn có thể yên tâm khi  chọn lựa sử dụng các sản phẩm có bộ lọc này.

5. In what fields is Activated Carbon Applied?

Trong y tế (Carbon medicinalis – than dược): để tẩy trùng và các độc tố sau khi bị ngộ độc thực phẩm

- In the chemical industry: as a catalyst and a carrier for other catalysts

- In engineering: making a component of an air filter (mask, anti-poison respirator, cigarette filters, hoods, car air filters, air conditioners, ..)

- In industrial water treatment (or household water purification): as a water filter material to remove trace impurities

- In agriculture: used to improve soil, treat and clean ponds and lakes

6 . What Features Does NeoVision's Activated Carbon Filter Have?

NeoVision's activated carbon filter is quality-tested in domestic and foreign laboratories with outstanding features such as anti-PM2.5 ultra-fine dust over 95%, anti-bacterial penetration, and filtering pollutants that affect the health of users. 

7. Does the Activated Carbon Filter Prevent Odors?

Deodorized activated carbon (Activated Carbon - AC) has the main composition of Carbon (accounting for 85-90%), the rest is coal crystals, etc. Deodorized activated carbon has high porosity, light density, and high density. Good adsorption is used in air purification, odor absorption, toxins, organic odor removal, etc.

8. Is the Activated Carbon Filter Washable?

Bộ lọc than hoạt tính sử dụng trong các loại khẩu trang than hoạt tính cần hạn chế tối đa việc tiếp xúc trực tiếp với nước. Người dùng  khi giặt khẩu trang cần lưu ý tháo lớp than hoạt tính ra  để đảm bảo lớp than không bị mất đi khả năng phòng độc vốn có của nó.

9. How Long Can the Activated Carbon Filter Be Used For?

Depending on the living environment will directly affect the usage time of the activated carbon filter. Specifically, in-home or on-the-go conditions, activated carbon will have a longer life than continuous exposure to toxic chemicals in industrial parks, factories, etc.

For the activated carbon masks at NeoVision, the shelf life will last from 1-6 months (depending on the product line), helping customers save the most on the cost of frequent replacement like some other mask lines on the market.

It can be seen that activated carbon is more and more widely used in life because of the outstanding advantages it brings. Especially at NeoVision, the activated carbon mask line has been receiving a lot of trust and support from customers because it fully meets the criteria of aesthetics and quality. With the current trend of searching for products that are safe for users' health, not only NeoVision activated carbon masks but also activated carbon applications in other fields will certainly be more and more focused and interesting.